How to Ace a TEFL Zoom Interview

July 17, 2021

How to Ace a TEFL Zoom Interview

So, how do you ace a TEFL Zoom interview and give yourself a head start on the competition?

1. Get your CV/resume and/or application form right.

If not, you may not be asked to attend an interview. Ensure your CV is well-presented. No fancy images, borders or colours. Restrict the length to 2 pages. Focus on your past accomplishments and not just what you did. Ensure there are no spelling, punctuation or grammar errors. If they ask for a photo, ensure you smile, look smart.

2. The Zoom Interview

1. Prepare, and practice, practice, practice.
Microsoft’s Camera tool is useful for seeing yourself in action and recording it. 2. Be ready to answer typical questions:

What are the qualities/attributes of an excellent teacher? Even if you haven’t taught before, remember that you were taught in the past. Think: What qualities/attributes did some of my past teachers have? Also, explore this article for some excellent ideas:

Why do you want to teach children/adults? Focus on helping learners achieve a learning goal so that their learning will help them substantially in the future. Their learning opens up opportunities that they might never have without it.

3. Be professional and engaging

Look at the camera, not at the screen.

Ensure you look fresh and tidy. Smart but casual.

Smile, as necessary, but not all the time.

Speak clearly, a little bit slower than you would do in regular conversation with your friends. But not too slow.

  • Ensure your background is clean and tidy. No trash or clutter.
  • Ensure there are no background noises/distractions.
  • Never interrupt the recruiter.Here is a typical scenario. The interviewer may take on the role of a young learner while you teach part of the lesson. Throughout the role play, the interviewer may change his behaviour, and/or his attention/engagement, and/or his display of understanding, to test your ability to notice changes and adapt, as necessary. The ability to adapt to changes is a critical teacher skill.Good luck with your TEFL Zoom interview!

Ensure your head and torso are in the centre of the screen/frame. If you are a jump-about type of person, mark your desk with a couple of strips of tape which will remind you to keep in that zone. Be animated but don’t go outside the frame, if possible.

When asked what you can contribute to the company, emphasise the qualities/attributes you offer but don’t overdo it. Never give the impression you know everything or that you are the best.

You may wish to tape up some cheat sheets on a wall behind the camera if you feel you may be a bit nervous and may forget some points.

4. Some recruiters may require you to participate in a mock/demo class.

Again, demonstrate some of the teacher qualities/attributes from the article in Point 2 above.

Here is a typical scenario. The interviewer may take on the role of a young learner while you teach part of the lesson. Throughout the role play, the interviewer may change his behaviour, and/or his attention/engagement, and/or his display of understanding, to test your ability to notice changes and adapt, as necessary. The ability to adapt to changes is a critical teacher skill.

Good luck with your TEFL Zoom interview!